Sunday, August 5, 2007

Bocas del Toro makes the news July 19, 2007

And it's not good news, either, as it relates to the effect on the Bocas economy by the shut down of our Red Frog project. Here is the link from Panama Investor Blog.

Mick @ Lot 83


Mick @ Lot 83 said...

Comments today from Paul McBride (CEO of Prima Panama, SA) regarding this news which was reported in his partner, Sam's blog, stressed the fact that Panama's economy as a whole is growning at a fast pace, yet the town of Bocas, was going the opposite direction, mostly due to the incompetence (or maybe corruption) of the government officials in that area. He's hoping the country's government will be able to turn that around. Part of that is getting the Red Frog development back to work.

Mick @ Lot 83

s said...

When I met met with Sam at the Los Molinis July 4th party his main interest was in building Boquete as a retirement haven for ex pats. He created this investment opportunity by himself, lives in Boquete, and deserves to see it grow as the principal resort location in Panama. He has done a superb job at Valle Escondido.

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