Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I know, I know...

I decided to limit the use of this site for registered authors only. Please pass my e-mail to the other owners and let them know they are invited to participate. In this way we can keep our exposure to a minimum; to only people who WANT to participate, not those who are spying or whatever...

I would love to hear any feedback or suggestions on whether or not this is a good way to go. I can always change it back.

The exchange of ideas and information is critical, and I resent that anyone would attempt to shut down free speech. A blog is the place for this type of exchange.

Mick @Lot 83


SarahXC said...

Mick, is there a way to make the blog viewable to everyone, but only registered homeowners can post? Then you don't have to log in to see the latest news. There are benefits to the way you're doing it too. Keeps info private - outsiders don't need to see everything that's going on. There are tradeoffs to either way. said...


I responded to you by e-mail, but wanted to explain here. I don't want prying eyes to protest and try and shut us down. It was also my intent so that anonymous threatening posts could not interfere with our conversations.

Mick @ lot 83